2013 Reflection

As 2013 comes to an end, I have found myself doing a lot of looking back at the past 365 days. 2013 was a crazy year with some really big moments and experiences: I ran my first half marathon, I visited seven states, I went to my first professional soccer game and 3 NFL games, and I took on a lot of new responsibilities at work. I saw some of my favorite people get married, went to Vegas twice, made new friends and played my first year of fantasy football. I spent a weekend at the beach, bought a new car, threw a surprise party, flew home for Homecoming, went to the President's Inauguration and I said goodbye to a lot of friends who moved out of DC. I experienced a lot of crazy emotions this year between weddings, breakups and babies being born, but, when thinking about my big moments of the year, I noticed that some of my favorite experiences came about because of big risks I had taken.

So, looking ahead to 2014, I have decided that my motto is going to be take more risks. I don't want to call this a resolution, because I don't think that this is a problem, but I want to use this mantra as something I turn to at each point that I am faced with a decision. I want to think less about consequences and do things because there is a chance that the reward will outweigh the risk. 
Less thinking, more doing.

And so, 2013, it's been real... but here is to the next 365 days.

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