A luxury leather handbag should be part of every woman’s repertoire and with desirable brands like Prada, Valentino, and Gucci, you should have no problem finding the perfect luxury leather handbag to suit your style. MARK / GIUSTI is one designer brand that has redefined the meaning of luxury and created a handbag for everyone.
Here are a few of my favorites:
The “Casablanca” Tote from the Deep Blue Sea Collection is one of my favorites. The trim of the bag is 100% leather and the body is made of a linen fabric. The interior lining of the bag is a spectacular recreation of the original marble pattern found in the Basilica di San Vitale in Italy. Um, gorgeous.
The “Capri” Pochette from La Dolce Vita Collection is perfect if you only have a few things to carry. This genuine leather bag is both practical and fashionable; it includes an interior pouch for your phone/iPod and an exterior compartment to stay extra organized. The buckle on the front of the pochette adds flare, as well as the option to expand the bag for a little extra room. Like all MARK / GIUSTI bags, the interior lining is especially unique, inspired by historic Italian art. This bag contains a lining based off the mosaic strips found in the Basilica di San Marco in Venice. I think the insides of the bags are one of my favorite features.
If you are looking for a bigger bag, you can always go for a tote style bag. They are more spacious, yet stylish. This style of bag is ideal for women who like to carry everything. So many designer brands have created different styles of totes, so there is a variety to choose from. I have always been a huge fan of totes but more recently have switched to smaller bags.
The last type of bag I wanted to feature today is the clutch. I love clutches, however, it can be difficult to squeeze your daily needs into this smaller handbag. When going out for a night, I rarely take anything larger than a clutch.
*Note: This post was written in collaboration with MARK/ GIUSTI although opinions expressed here are my own.
i love the interior mosaic style lining of the Mark/Giusti collection. The concept is great!