march day sixteen: cakes and clothing

Last night, Brad and I got inspired to go get an ice cream cake at Baskin Robbins. I have been talking them up for months now so we finally broke down and got one. We ended up getting this little bunny full of mint chocolate chip ice cream and chocolate cake. Needless to say, it was delicious

This morning when I woke up I noticed it was rather gloomy outside. I thought it was a good day to pull out my glasses and maybe try out one of my new necklaces. I think the gloomy weather inspired my black shirt-- I am not in the only one in the office wearing dark colors. What happened to the summer weather we had yesterday?

I much prefer taking photos of things that are not me for my blog, but the necklace photo looks a little creepy without a head (see below). I really like this new necklace and I am glad I finally found some fun new jewelry. It helps dress my outfit up a little on this casual Friday.
So happy it's the weekend!

Jeans: Joe's
Top: H &M Similar Style
Necklace: Jewelry Bar
Bracelet: Bauble Bar
Purse: Michael Kors Similar Style
Glasses: Coach

Tomorrow is St. Patty's Day (and mom's birthday!) and I can't wait to wear green! Hopefully the weather is less gloomy than today!


  1. You know who would love that glorious bunny ice-cream cake? Valerie.

  2. Oh my gosh, MK are my initials! It's a sign!
