Crushin' on Kate

Confession: I love everything Kate spade. 

I know that is no real secret, but lately I cannot get enough fabulous Kate Spade items in my life. In the past week I bought my favorite ring that I've been dying to own for months and I finally broke down and bought a phone case as mine was really getting worn out... not to mention the corners were all cracked. Sometimes it's so nice to treat yourself to a few nice things. 

Here are few more KS things I wouldn't mine owning in the next few months:

kate spade

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  1. I *love* Kate Spade :) They just finished a secret sale online, were you able to check it out?? I nabbed a few things I'd been eyeing...

    1. I saw that-- but the purse I really want wasn't included. Still saving up! Oooh, what fun things did you order?
