Work-Blog Balance

Dress: Forever 21 love this one!  Shoes: Sam Edelman  Necklace: J.Crew Factory similar here  Bag: Target similar here  Bracelets: Flea Market find and Stella and Dot  Watch: Michael Kors  Earrings: J.Crew Factory similar here  Sunglasses: Marc by Marc Jacobs love these!

Today I want to pose a discussion question, rather than some random story about how crazy my life has been lately. (Some day soon I may share the story of missing my flight home on Tuesday, but we will leave that for another time.) Today I want to chat about how you, or other bloggers, balance their schedules. I am finding that this summer is far busier than summers in the past and I am worried about being able to get everything done on time.

For example, I have three trips coming up in the next few weeks, two of which run into each other meaning I won't be home for over a week. Plus, I have my real job, catching up with friends, dinners, and more.

So, how do you keep everything in balance? Do you have a monthly blog schedule? Do you set aside a time every day to blog? Do you schedule your posts weekly? I have heard of a variety of ways to keep blog posts consistent but I would love to hear what works best for you.

Please let me know in the comments.

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Linking up with Tara and Three-fer Thursday today.


  1. It's definitely work to keep a blog alive and kickin', right? I plan + shoot + write posts ahead of time and then dump 'em all in my content management system on weekends, and then tweak them again right before they're set to go live. I keep an editorial schedule, but nothing that my regular 9-5 and social life can't support. :)

    Great outfit- love the blue!


    1. That's a great idea! I am thinking it's time for me to give up some time on the weekends to schedule everything... but that requires planning ahead! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


  2. Stunning outfit! I love your purse

    Oby Grace

  3. Simply gorgeous Doll! That dress is perfect for summer. I agree with Ashley, when you create your post ahead of time it's easier to keep your life on track and balanced.

    - xoxo

    1. Thanks, Lindsay! I am thinking I just need to start planning better and be more prepared to spend time on the blog on the weekends. Thanks for commenting!
