Labor Day Must Haves

labor day

I have a love/ hate relationship with Labor Day. I love having a three-day weekend in the warm weather, but I hate that it means that summer is ending. But now that I am back in Reno, I am reminded of all of the great things there are to do around town during the long weekend. There is the Rib Cookoff, the first college football game of the year, cookouts, trips to Tahoe and more. I am pretty excited about the long weekend ahead and even more excited about all the exciting things to come next week. Cough, launch of the Southwest Blog Society, cough. I hope that you have a great long weekend and pack as much as you can in to the last few days of summer before it ends, unofficially of course.


  1. Loving every single of your proposals!


    1. Thanks, Patricia! Hope you had a great long weekend!
