Hot Hot Pink

Dress: Amanda Uprichard very similar here  Shoes: Sam Edelman  Necklace: Elaine B. Jewelry similar here  Sunglasses: Ray-Ban

The last time I wore this dress the weather was not nearly as warm as it has been the past few days. I originally bought it with visions of boozy brunches and summer coffee dates in mind but couldn't wait for the weather to heat up before pulling it out of my closet. Until now.

I threw this dress on for a casual date look earlier this week and love how these sandals really dressed down this silk dress. I wasn't sure if it would be too dressy of an outfit but I really like the way everything came together in such a simple way. And I plan on wearing this dress a loooot more this summer. It is so light and comfy and perfect for these 90+ degree days we have been having.

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Linking up with Allison and Penniless Socialite today!


  1. Love that dress! I've been eyeing it in black, as well as blue, but just haven't been able to make up my mind yet with it.

    1. Great news, Heidi-- if you go to you can snag this dress for a great price right now! Much less than I paid. Oh, and I originally tried it on in blue and struggled with whether I wanted blue or pink. Love the bold colors!

  2. That dress is super adorable. What a gorgeous color and style. Fits you beautifully. I have to remember to stop more often and comment more often, because I do stop by every now and then. You have cute style and I love the new hairdo.

    I welcome you over my blog. Check out how I am wearing dresses lately. And I'd love for us to support each-other by following. =)

    Have a Fab Weekend!! Ada. =)

  3. love the color and style and such a good fit.

    that is a great dress with a tan!
