Quick Update

Hey y'all. Life has been extremely crazy lately and I feel like so many parts of my adventures have been left off the blog. I mentioned that I attended the White House Summit on Working Families a few weeks ago and realized I never really did a follow-up post. 

Well, first of all, my trip was amazing. It was so inspiring to be amongst some of the nation's most influential people in the business world and in the non-profit world. I also had a blast catching up with some old friends while working in the city I used to live in. Here are some of the highlight of the past two weeks. Oh, and of course I am not including the photos from my overnight stay in the Salt Lake City airport. You'll have to check out my Instagram feed for those gems
Some of my favorite photos from the Summit. I got lucky and somehow got a front row seat for each of the main presentations. Making new friends can really pay off sometimes!

The past few weeks have been full of trips to Tahoe, San Diego and catching up with old friends-- especially on the 4th of July. It was so fun seeing my little who I haven't seen in years. 

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